This page was last updated: 28 July, 2024

This side is a continuering of the 'Important Places East - South' page Part 1, where I described several spots on the east-south side of the garden. If you have found this page without see whole my website, I must inform you, that the page is a part of the huge website about the beautiful garden I created at my Swedish friend Yngve, who unfortunately passed away and the garden does not exist any more. But I decided to make this website about the dead garden, because it was beautiful and I believe it can be interesting for people who also start with gardening as I did, and also for people who have got a garden in alike difficult area, namely on the rocky coast of the sea. I describe the garden and how it was created using the geografic orientation (East-South and North-West) and several 'garden rooms', to which I gave different names, like 'Wild Strawberry Hill' or 'The Scent Hill'. Below I describing 'The Fortress', 'The Triangle' and 'The Street' and you will easy guess why these names.
Yet after I started to create Yngve's garden about autumn 1994, it was not much a garden on his property under the very next years. Already in the spring 1995 we created 'The Rosary' just at the road going from the street to his garage (The Garage Road'), and to be honest, so one of the first roses in the garden, Maiden's Blush, has been planted on the other side of this road, on the small, round raised bed which I built from stones and called 'The Castle'.
I was in love with roses and I wanted to have some more varieties. First I started, with help of Yngve, to dig out stones from the other area of the garden, with many wild or once planted bushes, which I called 'The Shrubbery' - but the empty piece of land in front of 'The Rosary' was tempting to make there something nicer. I knew that it was very shallow soil layer there, but I thought I could do the same what I did in 'The Rosary' - build the raised beds with stone walls. It was only to dig in any place of Yngve's garden to get stones of all posible sizes, only problem was a soil - it was always too little of it! I have got an idea to begin from building a long, narrow sort of trough, which I could easier fill with soil - and to plant there some roses and other plants. Beacause it was a continuation of 'The Castle', and even ressembled me a moat build around a midieval castless, so I called it 'The Fortress'.
So it looked like in July 1996. In the background you can see 'Te Rosary', mainly the stones which have been used to build the raised beds. The dog it is Gabbi, left by my friend to me for a temporarily care.
'The Fortress' built in the spring of 1997, but started in the autumn 1996. The roses are already planted, you can see only support pins. The roses at the beginning were: 'Bantry Bay' and 'Madame Pièrre Ogér' .
'The Fortress' seen from the house, 1997. In background 'The Rosary'. Te Garage Road between.
'The Fortress' July 1997.
'The Fortress' Juni 1997. The stick on the end this is the Pyrocantha 'Orange Glow' moved from the Entree here.
'The Fortress',
Dianthus plumarius
'Rainbow Loveliness',
July 1997. I sowed many Dianthus
on The Fortress that year.
Left and Right:
'The Fortress',
'Orange Glow'
in bloom (white small flowers) and
Right: Berries
Left and Right: 'The Fortress' July-August 1998 and 1999. The stick on the end of te border this is the Pyrocantha 'Orange Glow' moved from the Entree here. Pink flowers are still Dianthus.
Left and Right: 'The Fortress', June and October 2000.
Left: Arabis ferdinandi-coburgii'
Variegata, white flowers in May 2001
Left to Right: 'The Fortress' July-August 1998, 2001 and 2003. The road to the garage has got a layer of the gravel, 'The Fortress' became twice so long and the wooden rose-arch has been built. The new roses has been planted, the 'Madame Pierre Ogér' and 'Heritage', moved from the other place. I have built 2 stone containers with the wooden arch between and several roses have been planted there. On the whole lenght it was also many bulbs and perennials planted, inclusive some alpines, the place was rather very well drained and dry. But with the time, the roses dominated there, especially under time when they blooming, which they did repeadetlly.. On the right the picture of the 'BantryBay' in July 2003.
From Left to Right: Spring bloom in 'The Fortress', 2001 and 2005. Alpine Arabis and Narcissus 'Ice Folies'.
Left to Right: Bulbs and other flowers
in 'The Fortress', 2005: Double Narcissus
'Lemon Beauty' and
Tulipa 'Lilac Wonder'; Right: Malva moschata wild, came itself there, June 2004.
From Left to Right: 'Maiden Blush', 'Bantry Bay', 'Madame Piérre Ogér' &'Bantry Bay', 'Heritage'
'The Triangle' has been created almost together with 'The Fortress' and quite adjacent to. But 'The Triangle' was not raised bed really, or raised only the very little. It was really the triangle beween 'The Fortress' and the edge of the rock, behind which was at least 60 cm lower spot with the wild Berberis and a rose, probably Rosa rugosa 'Hansa', but nobody knows really (I have made there about year 2000 'The Little Rosarium', with several roses planted).
'The Triangle' was a rater shallow spot and not any rose could be planted, but I planted one anyway! It was planted in the spring 1997 and has been purchased as 'Zephiryn Druhin', purple climber, but when started to flower, it occurred to be a little white floribunda! I assumed it was 'Irene of Denmark'.
In the autumn 1996 some shrubs have been planted at the edge of the rock. It was first the Berberis atropurpureum and next door I planted the green Berberis x frikartii with silver underside of leaves, and it was a mistake! It had the long branches bend as arches and was very intensly growing too large in relation to the space, so I must have pruned it hard very often.
The Spirea bumaldi japonica 'Shirobana' was planted there as well and next year had got it's amazing three-colours flowers.
Left and Right: 'The Fortress' and 'The Triangle' just built and planted (in the spring) - here in May 1997, June 1997 and 1998. The pansies, Belis perennis an even the ornamental kale have been planted. The Berberis atropurpureum has been planted the autumn 1996, and in the spring 1997, almost the next door, the white rose, which was bought as the Zephiryne Drouhin, but it occurred to be a completely other sort, I assumed it was 'Irene of Denmark', a little floribunda.
Above: Pansies planted in early spring, still flowering here in July 1997
Above and Right: Grown by myself the kale Brassica oleracea 'Northern Lights' in autumn 1997
Left and Right: 'The Triangle' August - September - October 1997. Left picture it is Coreopsis rosea in August. The kale has been then the dominant plant and also the Senecio cineraria was planted between them, all grew up abundant, so pansies disappeared in the crowd.
Above: Primula x pruhoniciana April-May 1997;
Next: Primula acaulis, grown by me from seeds, April 1998
Left and Right: The Berberis atropurpureum and Berberis x fricartii. Lokal Narcissii which I moved there from the bushes, spring 1997
From Left to Right: white Primula acaulis and 'True Blue', seedling grown by me, April 2002. Next - The same Pimula the 8th May 2003 and Primula 'Miller's Crimson' the 29th May 2002
Right:The same Primula acaulis, grown by me from seeds, the 21st April 2002. The plants grown by me were coming every spring for several years.
Artemisia ludoviciana
'Silver Queen',
Campanula medium
& Lunaria
the 23rd Aug 2001
Right: Spiraea bumaldi 'Shirobana',
planted in 1996 autumn, is getting flowers in 3 colours the whole summer.
The 3rd August 2001
in company with pansies, May 1998.
May 2001
The Spring In 'TheTriangle'
Next: 'The Triangle' the 18th May 2003 - plenty of Myosotis self-sown and some Tulipa peoniflorum. Large green leaves are from Campanula lactiflora (Milky Bellflower). Next: 'The Triangle' the 13th May 2005.
Left to Right: Brunnera macrophylla 'Dawnson's White' the 10th May 2002. It was planted probably 1998 or 1999 and every year was larger, doing well and flowering. Next: Brunnera the 26th May 2003 and the 12th May 2004. Right: Brunnera the 12th May 2005.
Left: 'The Triangle' in April 2000. Next: 'TheTriangle' in late May 2001. I have lagt ceramic tiles in front of stones, which stopped weeds and grass and was looking very tidy. The tiles have been since years on Yngve's garden and I used them sometimes under the pots or in other way.
Left: Bellis perennis planted together with blue pansies, May 2001.
Bellis used to sow itself, but only a couple of years.
Rigth: Selfsown
Bellis perennis+planted pansies, May2002
'The Triangle' in May 2005. Left to Right: Tulipa 'Lilac Wonder' beneath of the Campanula lactiflora & Myosotis, the 17th May, the 13th May, the 17thMay and the 27th May.
The Summer and Autumn In 'TheTriangle'
Left to Right: Campanula medium & Dianthus plumosum, 1998 and Campanula medium July 2001; Next: 'The Triangle' in July 1998 - Liatris pychnostachya (spicata) & Echinacea purpurea 'Magnus'; Next: August 1999, Echinacea purpurea 'Magnus' & Liatris pychnostachya (spicata) Alba, Berbeis atropurp.; Last: July 2000, Liatris-spicata-alba & Echinacea purpurea 'Magnus'
'TheTriangle' just planted, 1997
Allium albopilosum christophii
the 6th June
Above: 'The Triangle' in
August 1999; Mainly Liatris alba and Echinacea 'Magnus'
Above: 'The Triangle' the 2nd July 2004;
The blue flowers is Campanula lacctiflora
and the white - Tanacetum parthenium.
Above Left: 'The Triangle' the end of July 2002. Echinacea with a butterfly.
Above Right: Liatris pink and white & Echinaca purpurea 'Magnus', The 2nd August 2003
Left: 'The Triangle' in the middle of July2002;
Allium sphaerocefalon
and Liatris not yet with flowers
Left: Liatris spicata alba, Echincea purpurea 'Magnus' in July 2000.
Above: 'The Triangle' in August 2002.The rose is in 'The Fortress', 'Bantry Bay'
Above Left: 'The Didiscus caerulea grown by me from Polish seeds, the23rd August 2001
Above Right: Didiscus overflowered seed heads the 1st September 2001
Left: 'The Triangle' the
28th June 2003. The huge
Campanula lactiflora.
Right: The same plant the 2nd July.
Right: 'The Triangle' the 18th
August 2002.
Campanula lactiflora has been cut down and has got another bloom
Above and Right: Malope trifida; the end of August 2001 and 14th October 2002
Above Left: Geranium wallichianum 'Buxton's Blue' grown by myself, the 14th October 2001.
Above Right: Antirrhinum grown by me myself, the 4th Otober 2005
Above Left: Aster amellus and Artemisia ludoviciana' Silver Queen' the 14th october 2001
Above Rght: The Chrysanthemum zawadskii the10th October 2002.
I have called 'The Street' the part of the Yngve's garden which was located along the street, from the lowest point when the street swang and went up to the garage road on Yngve's property. Down the street was the edge of 'The Woodland', upper it was the slope with terraces I made in 1996-97 and called it 'The Street Terraces' . The more up it was the strip of land with roses and some shrubs until the Garage Road. This part of the street going up after 'The Street Terraces' I included to the East-South Side of the garden and even a little bit of area along the Garage Road where was one unknown rose shrub and stony piece of land where about year 2000 I created 'The Little Rosarium', with several roses planted. On the last piece of that garden strip along the street I made a hedge, double - on the front, just at the street the Acer campestris trees have been planted and behind them, the row of the Taxus shrubs . It was thought to be a protection from the sea blow for roses planted in 'The Little Rosarium'.
Left &Above Right: The Street with flowering Tanaceum niveum 1998. It was not yet asphalt on the street.
Above Left: Scented ground-covering Cerastium tormentosum flowering as a white carpet on the edge along large part of the street in every June, here 1998. It was there when I've met Yngve, but was surpressed by weeds. I cleaned the area from weeds and grass hours and days to get Cerastium visible like that on the Picture. After it had bloomed over, I used to prune it short and got the silver carpet of leaves, also decorative.
Above Right: The wild Corydalis which name is actually Pseudofumaria lutea which can grow even on the stone walls and sprids very much - and planted pansees, May 2000.
Left &Above Right:
The arch with the climbing rose 'Dortmund' not yet flowering (June 2003). Still there is no asphalt on the street.
Left: This is the unknown rose shrub growing behind the Sorbus aucuparia tree, which was just on
the back edge of 'The Triangle'. Some people think it is 'Hansa', other that 'Roseraie de l'Hay'. The shrub was very large and looked old, I pruned it rather a lot. 'The Little Rosarium' was on the right of the rose, just after the garage road swings from the street into the Yngve's property. The 6th June 2002.
Right: The flower of the unknown rose, in late June 2004. The flowers were scented.
Left &Above Left to Right: The spring flowers on 'The Street' - Tulips at the rose 'Galway Bay', May 1998, Tulips 'Little Beauty' in the base of the hedge late April 1998, Narcissus 'Thalia' in May 1998, and selfseeded Aquilegia vulgaris the 6th June 2002
Above & Right: Catananche caerulea in1999 and the 5th August 2001.
Left: About July 1999 - Aster tripolium (or Tripolium pannonicum or Tripolium vulgare) which came to me from the strand - knowing I liked it so much! Right: Geranium 'Johnson Blue' - the 25th June 2005
Of course I could not resist to plant also roses on the East South strip of 'The Street'. It was about 14 roses planted on the North - West part, on the edge of 'The Woodland' and on 'The Street Terraces' - and it continued up the stret. I planted there 'Galway Bay' , 'Rosenstad Zweibrücken' , 'Rosendorf Sparrieshoop' , 'Dortmund'. 'Galway Bay' unfortunately died after year 2000 but the other have been doing well all the time I have been in Yngve's garden. On the pictures below the roses along the East South Street.
Above Left to Right: The roses on the East - South part of 'The Street': 'Galway Bay' 1998 and August 2000, 'Rosendorf Sparrieshop' 1998 and 2002
Above Left to Right: 'Rosenstad Zweibrücken' 1998, 2001, 2002, last: 'Dortmund' 1998
Above Left to Right: 'Dortmund' 2001, the 5th July 2002, Early July 2002, the 29th June 2003
Along 'The Street' I also planted some smaller shrubs. They have been some Juniperus chinensis, Taxux in the hedge, and I planted couple of Euonymus 'Emerald Gaiety', Euonymus 'Gold' and small Spiraeas, like Spiraea bumalda 'Little Princess'. Some of those shrubs multiplied themselves, I used to find small seedlings or rootplants which I mostly planted at my neighbours.
On the picture Spiraea bumalda 'Little Princess' in bloom and Juniperus chinensis, July 2003
Just round the corner, where the Garage Road turned from the street into the Yngve's property, there was a piece of 'wild', stony land, there Bergenia was once planted. There was also a Berberis shrub, I do not know if planted by somebody.
I wanted first to plant there my favourite 'Sally Homes', but I could not resist and bought some more.. I began cultivate this spot in the spring 2000. First of all it was of course to dig up possibly all stones and get through to the rocky botten. And to plant roses, I must have made for almost every one a raised bed using dug-up stones. On the pictures the spot how it was looking at the beginning and later. Eventually the 6 roses have been planted there, it was a madness..
Left: Geranium 'Johnson Blue' September 2005
In October the sweet flowers of Cyclamen neapolitanum
appeared on one spot between stones. They used to come year after year, but not really more than at the beginning. Here: in 2002 and September 2005.
Left: The work began, the spring 2000. Next Above: Some roses just planted, Nov.2000;
Right: The raised bed for 'Womens Hour', November 2000.
Above & Right: 'The Little Rosarium' in May 2001, both pictures:Tulips 'Addis' & 'Double Early';
Next: Tulipa 'Compostella' & Anemone ranunculoides half double (protected rare plant, self sown) the 7th May 2003;
Last: Tulipa 'Artist' the 10th May 2002. The large leaves are from Digitalis, self sown.
Left: Planted in November 2000 in the raised mini-bed the rose 'Woman's Hour', the 1st September 2001
Right: 'Woman's Hour' the 21st July 2002
'The Little Rosarium' back edge the 6th June 2002.
The flowering unknown Rose
large shrub & self-sown
Left: Planted in November 2000, the rose 'Rokoko'
here the 21st August 2002. You can see almost the wall of the hedge made of Acer campestris planted along the street.
Right: Closer look on 'Rokoko' the 11th August 2001
Above: 'Summer Wine', the second plant after the first died. The new plant was planted in October 2001. The first flower, the 3rd July 2002.
Left: The rose 'Linderhof'
planted in 2000, first flowers in July 2001, here the second bloom, the 28th August 2001. Actually the rose is constantly flowering with small rasts.
Right: The rose was growing immensly intense and became quickly a tall bushy shrub. Here the 17th July 2003.
Right: 'Sally Holmes' planted in November 2000. It was a madness to plant the large shrub in the tiny 'The Little Rosarium'! First flowers in July 2001.
Left and Right:
'Eden Rose85'
planted in autumn 2000, but had not a good start and hardly produced the first flowers in August 2002!
Right: The rose 'Woman's Hour' covered by flowers the 31st July 2002
Every described part of the 'Important Places East - South' has the separate underpage, some of them can yet be under construction. You can click on links from time to time to check if something is ready.
After I left the garden due to my long illness in 2006 and since after Yngve's sudden death in March 2007, I was not welcome any more in the garden which I created from a scratch. Yngve's former wife lives now in the house with his son. My work was not respected and the garden is now completely neglected, simply does not exist any more..
Efter min långvariga sjukdomen i året 2006 och Yngves plötsliga bortgång i mars 2007, blev jag portförbjuden i trädgården som jag skapade från ingenting. Hans f.d. fru och son bor nu i huset och de uppskattar absolut inte mitt jobb. Trädgården blev fullkomligt utlämnat utan något skötsel och nu existerar bara på de sidorna.